Well, to be precise, a Madagascan Hissing Cockroach, which just happened to remind me of our Prime Minister.
We may be confronting problems on the scale of global warming (which, incidentally, has already hit Melbourne if the increase in the cockroach population is any guage), the horror of the continuing debacle of Iraq, Afgahnistan's plight and many issues close to home , like the lack of good Aged Care services but all our PM can do is hiss at the ascendant Opposition with all sorts of dirty smear tactics and generally avoid any policy development or discussion thereof. I am so sick to death with politics at the moment and the current game playing seems mildly insane and very inane!
Another event to raise my ire has been the predictable weasly responses of this government to the Sri Lanka refugees who managed to get close to our shores in a leaky vessel. Initially the intercepting Navy were trying to shoo them away but when it was obvious they were sinking, they took the 83 Tamil refugees and two Indonesian crew to Christmas Island (where our Government is spending millions to build an off shore asylum processing complex (far away from pesky lawyers that talk about Human Rights etc). But this was also too close as the refugees had been in international waters so we don't want to deal with them so what do we do - we ask the Indonesians to take them because they haven't signed the UN charter on refugees and have much less ability and infrastructure to deal with them. As there has been an outcry from the good public that Jakarta would just send them back to Sri Lanka we are now looking at putting them on Nauru (which has been used to dump our unwanted before and has led to huge delays in the processing of asylum claims.
If I hear one more Minister banging on about the fact that "We will choose who comes here." I will - What can you do, besides write, protest and pull my hair out!!
hmmm, i'm not sure how you'd look with no hair :)
howard and harper should really get together for tea. as for the cockroach, i believe it's one of the most ancient beings on the planet so probably carries 1 billion times the knowledge of any of our con leaders.
Probably not as good as this cockroach!
I see your point and apologies to the cockroach family - It was the hissing nature of this particular beast that prompted the comparison but I see what you mean about the intelligence gap.
Hissing cockroaches make very good pets. You could try this with J Howard?
Only a lime spider could know that for a fact?! I have many of the non-hissing variety but they are not petted very often!
I wonder how a lime spider found this blog? Did you google "cockroach" I wonder?
I've just found out a little more about the hissing cockroach and now understand how they can make good pets.
Hey, now I can adopt one!!
Hi - I am just visiting my second ever Australian blog - I have a lot to learn about your way of life - v interesting so far..!
Hi janejill,
Thanks for visiting, I suppose this is one way of travelling and meeting others without emitting too many greenhouse gasses!
All the best, Austin.
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