Plateau shadowing Daarba lands.

I reckon it is about posting time again. Aurora and I have just got back and trying to get used to life without a campfire.
I've got a link to a Melbourne newspaper that has run a story about the project that I am involved in so if you are interested you can follow the Hope Vale link with the title. My experiences up North are a little hard to transcribe tonight but I will attempt some stories over the next little while. So I will put up a picture of Daarba Aboriginal lands that I had the privilege of staying in. And another picture of a gaggle of Pelicans who represent our gang coming together for the first time up in Cape York. And finally a picture of Aurora getting to know some of the Dingaal mob at Cape Flattery.

Link to Hope Vale blog on Pelican Expeditions.
it must have been a really cool adventure from what i read of the hope vale blog. lucky you and even luckier aurora!!!!
here's wishing ya some 'oomph' for a new post :)
too many strands and not enough focus..I'm sure I'll get the hang of this bloggin again one day.
Nice to see that you seem to be filling your new cyber home deftly and as wittily as ever.
I'm heading for the hills this weekend so I might find my oomph there!
why thanks for the compliment :) ....and if you have a hit counter and have been noticing more visitors, it's because my site will sometimes link all my links to your site!!!! very bizarre.
have fun in the hills and hope you get in the swing of blogging again. more pics of hope vale would be cool, and always wanting to see more of your paintings!
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