Thursday, January 19, 2012

Map-Two Bays 2012- the abstract and the particular.

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Two Bays 2012 map.


Pictured: Indigenous Ranger at Parks Vic- Alex Korte, Rebecca Phillips- Research Officer Parks Vic, Carolyn Briggs-Boonwurrung Elder, Ian Cambell- Pelican crew and Aurora Davey- Pelican crew.

Sailing over the underwater waterfall at the Heads in Two Bays 2010.

Every year we head out with our abstract plan in search of the particular in Port Phillip and Westernport Bays. This year's program will include looking at the microscopic plankton near Werribee, seagrass, marine pests, Traditional Knowledge, marine education, community engagement in marine parks, training for Parks rangers and all the while mapping water quality. Check out the program for a more detailed overview and watch out for a hard-working cat in the bay!

Seagrass at Mud Island

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