Friday, April 14, 2006

Rain and Wind

There are two relative constants to the Wilddogroad, Wind and Rain. And today we have both in spades . The Wilddog valley is cloaked in a white mist and the wind is whistling through our broken window.
I am trying to post two pictures today. One being a picture of a road that winds above Wilddog and the other being a picture I made of casurinas with images from Baron Von Muellers drawings of plant cells floating behind.

Von Mueller spent some time in the Otways, collecting seeds and getting dirty. He was as well known for his general smelliness as his plant knowledge as he put all his time into his work and almost none into personal hygene. Or so the legend goes. His publications were so numerous that it is unclear if he ever slept.
Most Melbournians know of the Baron through his plantings in the Botanical Gardens. I heard of him early on as he planted all the conifers in a garden of my grandfathers at Mt Macedon. The garden, due to a change of family fortunes, is in new hands but I learnt to walk beneath his towering legacy.
I forgot to add the other legacy of the Baron. He , with great abandon, scattered blackberry seeds all over the place. Blackberries are a problem all over the Otways. Mind you, we have left a thicket on our place for the birds to hide in and us to gorge on.

1 comment:

tracespace said...

hi chook
i like the idea of ramblin down that road..all i have to do is close my eyes...hope u lot doin ok love 2 u gella!!